I recently provided advice to a colleague to keep him motivated about building his nonprofit organization’s fund-raising efforts. Later that day I thought to myself, wow, I need to follow my own advice. I always follow this advice about “doing what is needed” to accomplish anything. You can add this to your arsenal of motivational and inspirational messages to keep you fired up about running your business or personal life successfully.
When you can do what is needed you can accomplish anything, and you are completely capable of doing whatever is needed. If you do not know how you can learn. If there is some particular resource that is essential, you can locate it. If there is a certain necessary skill, you can develop it. If the support of others is required, you can build it. If you are not sure exactly what is needed, you have the reasoning ability to figure it out.
Every great achievement is a result of doing whatever is needed. Each dream you desire for yourself and your world can be achieved by doing what is needed. What do you plan to accomplish today, within the next month, the next year, and the next twenty years? Whatever your goal may be, your will get there by doing what is needed.
It is a simple concept-overwhelmingly powerful- and it is available to everyone. So stop waiting for life to hand you an easy treasure. Do what is needed today to achieve whatever you desire.